Hello everyone out there! :)
I'm blogging today about one of the most amazing models I have ever worked with. (And I work with a lot of amazing models- so this says a lot!)
I was in Elites office one morning- as I frequently pop in to give them the latest pictures, edits, and just to collaborate with the agents there....and there was a model who was in the office who just flew in from Cuba. She was a Brazilian bombshell named Talita.
I LOVE men- everything about them. ..but I tell ya- this was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. I only WISH I looked like her! Her face, her body was perfect. So they asked me if I'd like to shoot her- and I was so damn excited- I said "YES!" without skipping a beat.
So I picked her up a few days later & we ventured off to shoot some lingerie in the Miami Design District. (I gotta love models who have no inhibitions- and can work while people are literally staring at them in public. It's really a GREAT sign of a GREAT model!)
After we shot lingerie & some swimwear there- we headed on over to Miami Beach and shot some fun swimwear on an awesome sandbar. Then to finalize the shoot...we actually shot her in Calvin Klein underwear against the wall of a bank. (hehehe)
This girl- is the total package- not only is she esthetically beautiful, but she is VERY sweet and she moves very well. She knows to move her body in the best ways to compliment her physique.
So here are some pictures I took of this bombshell named Talita:
Also, check her out- she's a finalist in the Beach Bunny Swimwear competition. They've actually used one of my pictures I took of her :)
(She should seriously be in Victoria Secret. You can judge for yourself!)
